About air conditioning

About air conditioning

At the recent Special General Meeting a bylaw was passed allowing for the installation of air conditioners mounted on an outside wall.  Anyone wishing to install such an air conditioning system must obtain pre-approval from Strata Council and submit an Indemnity Agreement.

Requirements for installation are:

  • Work must be done by a certified contractor. (We will be compiling a list of recommended contractors over time.)
  • Installers must comply with all requirements contained in our bylaw (see bylaw below).
  • A detailed written plan for installation must be approved by Council.
  • A completed Coventry Woods Indemnification Agreement must be submitted (available on request or on the Dwell web site).

Please feel welcome to contact Wayne Bernard (#88— bernard4@telus.net ) if you have any questions.

Here is a sample application cover letter:

Dear Coventry Wood Strata Council,

Here is my formal Application to install a Mini-Split Air Conditioning system in our home, Unit #XX, based on Strata Plan LMS2035, Bylaw 7(2)(f).  Owner’s Indemnity Agreement attached.

The system will be installed by Certified Contractors, (contractor’s name and contact information)

Also attached is a schematic of the outside work and an explanation of the installation.

If there are any other requirements for my application, please advise.

Thank you for your consideration and prompt approval,

Joe Smith, Owner, unit #

The new air conditioning bylaw:

Air Conditioners


This  bylaw does not apply to “window mounted” air conditioners (see Bylaw 6(c).


Owners may apply to the Strata Council to install one permanent air conditioner/heat pump in an approved location on the exterior of their strata lot (common property) which may require wiring/conduit to be run through the building envelope: with the following conditions:

a. wiring/conduit required for installation may not exceed 3” in diameter and a penetration through a wall to accommodate the wiring/conduit may not exceed 3.25” in maximum diameter.

b. wiring/conduit must be run through the building envelope in a location within one (1) foot height of the ground, measured from the bottom mounting point of the air conditioner/heat pump, such location to be first approved in writing by the Council.

c. an air conditioner/heat pump, including make and model and other applicable specifications, must be approved in writing by the Council prior to installation.

d. the Strata Council reserves the right to set minimum standards for suitable air conditioners/heat pumps and may change this standard from time to time, in a reasonable fashion.

e. the decibel level and vibration level of an air conditioner/heat pump must be approved by Council, subject to reasonable standards as identified by the ownership from time to time.

f. installation of an air conditioner/heat pump must be performed by a qualified contractor and the Strata Council may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to require the use of specified qualified contractors.

g. any perforation through the building envelope must be performed in a workman like fashion and with the guidance of a building envelope consultant where deemed necessary by the Council, and the owner of the strata lot will remain responsible for any damage or concerns caused by this perforation in the future.

h. at any time during the lifespan of the air conditioner/heat pump should the performance of the air conditioner become problematic in the opinion of the Strata Council, either through noise, vibration or effluent, the Strata Council may order the air conditioner removed until such time it is satisfactorily repaired or replaced with an approved air conditioner.